What to expect in... Amman
15. Hookah
Hookah is a popular way to smoke in Jordan. It brings people together.

14. Bedouins
Bedouins aren't found much in the city, but they are very important to the culture. The nomadic Bedouins have herded animals and lived in tents for thousands of years. As the country modernizes, this way of life is slowly diminishing.
13. Places look the same
Most of the buildings look the same—boxy and light-colored. The mosques are cool though.

It's all part of the Muslim diet code. Similar to Judaism, pigs are unclean and should not be touched.
11. Poverty, but growth
This is not a developed country, but a lot of investments are pouring into Amman because of its stability and business-friendly climate.

10. Petra
It's not in Amman, but since it's one of the wonders of the world, it has to be mentioned. At Petra, you'll see a long stretch of elaborate buildings carved into the mountains.

9. The Bible
Jordan has many historical sites from Biblical times. It is considered part of the Holy Land (along with Israel.)
8. Rome
You can still see the theaters and baths of the old Roman Empire.

7. Dry skin
Most of Jordan is hot and dry. Bring lotion, sunscreen, and extra water.

6. Hummus and pitas
They're so good you'll be full before they bring out the main dish.

King Abdullah II is a well-respected leader. As king, he has promoted social equality, economic liberalization, and care for refugees. This kind of leadership is a rarity in the region.

3. Keffiyas
A headdress worn by many Middle Eastern men. The women wear fashionable scarves.
If you're a female tourist, wear modest clothing. Also, no PDA allowed here.
Side note: notice the influence of British rule in this picture.

2. Hospitality
Jordanians are surprisingly friendly. They're not afraid to invite you into their homes and offer you a meal.

1. As-salamu alaykum
This is a Sunni Muslim country. Islam affects every aspect of life, from politics to family relations.
This is not a developed country, but a lot of investments are pouring into Amman because of its stability and business-friendly climate.

10. Petra
It's not in Amman, but since it's one of the wonders of the world, it has to be mentioned. At Petra, you'll see a long stretch of elaborate buildings carved into the mountains.
9. The Bible
Jordan has many historical sites from Biblical times. It is considered part of the Holy Land (along with Israel.)
You can still see the theaters and baths of the old Roman Empire.
Most of Jordan is hot and dry. Bring lotion, sunscreen, and extra water.
6. Hummus and pitas
They're so good you'll be full before they bring out the main dish.

5. No war!
This is one of the few stable and peaceful countries in this region of the world.
4. A popular kingThis is one of the few stable and peaceful countries in this region of the world.
King Abdullah II is a well-respected leader. As king, he has promoted social equality, economic liberalization, and care for refugees. This kind of leadership is a rarity in the region.

3. Keffiyas
A headdress worn by many Middle Eastern men. The women wear fashionable scarves.
If you're a female tourist, wear modest clothing. Also, no PDA allowed here.
Side note: notice the influence of British rule in this picture.
Jordanians are surprisingly friendly. They're not afraid to invite you into their homes and offer you a meal.
This is a Sunni Muslim country. Islam affects every aspect of life, from politics to family relations.
----- The End. Click on the archive to view more cities.
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