Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Provo, UT, USA

What to expect in... Provo

20. MLMS
Lots of moms try to sell creams, drinks, oils, kitchenware... you name it.
Just SAY NO.

19. J-Dawgs
Costco hotdog-turned-local delicacy.
Sammy's and Cafe Rio are also pretty iconic.

18. Vivint.
Out-of-state summer sales are popular in Brovo.
It seems like Vivint and every company in Utah has a Now Hiring sign.

17. Getting towed
They're always looking to get money from you. Watch out for the cops toothey have nothing to do.

16. The Velour
Provo gave us Neon Trees, Imagine Dragons, and a number of up-and-coming musicians.

15. Urbanization
You'd think Utah's a bunch of mountain folk, but it's actually highly urbanized and has a lot of tech companies.

14. America!
People love it as much as they love Napolean Dynamite and Nacho Libre.

13. Sundance
There's beautiful hiking and biking all around Provo. Then it's skiing and snowboarding in the winter.

12. Provo All-Stars
Also known as bros. I'm no expert in bro-dom, so I don't have much to say.
Just try not to hit their scooters.

11. Degrees
Per capita, this is one of America's most educated cities.

Foreign exchange student from India

10. Canals in the roads
Don't step off the sidewalk on 194456 E 209403 W, or you might twist your ankle in the drainage system.

9. "Parties"
Friday nights you'll find BYU students drinking Sprite, chatting, giggling, and playing girl's camp games.

8. People aged 18-20 M.I.A
They're off preaching the gospel. The long-term goal is to talk to every person in the world so WATCH OUT!

7. Tall and blonde
This town is tall, white, and blonde (until the Mexicans take over the state in a few decades.)
Brigham Young University students always rank high in looks.

6. "Rise up"
From those obnoxious BYU football ads.
They think they're fighting for a holy cause since they're representing the "Lord's University."

5. Mawiage
The girls are "18, clueless, and baby hungry." - Studio C  (Provo's favorite comedian group.)

4. Happy Valley
People are friendly, smiley, and ready to serve. It's an overwhelming culture shock every time you come back.
South Provo's a lil scary though.

3. Chapels every other block
Want to be Mormon? CLICK HERE to learn more!!!!!!!!!!!  !!!!!!!!!!!  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ! ! ! !!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!  !!!!!!!!!!!  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  !!!!!!!!!!!  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ! ! ! !!!!!!!

2. Cookie cutters
Sometimes it's hard to tell people apart. There, I said it!
Applies to dressing, talking, and thinking.

1. Being good at everything
Do you play football, play basketball, run 5ks, ski, rock climb, paint, draw, ballroom dance, sing, play piano, play guitar, act, speak foreign languages, teach, and coordinate service projects for hundreds of people?
Provo's the place for you!

----- The End. Click on the archive to view more cities.


  1. PIE SHAKES from SAMMY'S!!!

    Oh man, this is SUCH a good and true list...

  2. Umm... what about the FLSR? It is the hidden diamond of Provo.
