What to expect in... Manhattan NYC
9. Rough But Efficient Transit
The transit aint pretty, but it gets the job done.
With the cost of tolls and parking, you don't want to drive here.
8. Pizza Joints and Halal Food Stands
You can find New York thin crust pizza everywhere.
The streets are also filled with Middle-Eastern looking men at halal vendor stands selling gyros, pretzels, and kebabs.

7. The Roaring 20's
Manhattan's modern image was shaped during the 1920's. The most visible manifestation of this era is the unique Art Deco architecture.
6. Theaters
Broadway has many famous theaters for concerts, operas, and musicals.

5. Stock Exchanges
The NYSE and the Nasdaq help make Manhattan the land of the 1%!
Most nationalities are represented in Manhattan. This brings a great selection of food and a great opportunity to learn a second language.
New York feels genuine for some unexplainable reason. The people, the buildings, the culture... everything seems straightforward and practical.
NYC is a worldwide symbol for American freedom. Two if the most famous landmarks are the Freedom Tower and the Statue of Liberty.
With its art, theaters, music, news, fashion, business... New York is probably the culture capital of the world (it's up there with London.) Just think how many movies, books, and songs have been written about New York City. People all over the world even wear clothes covered in NYC symbols.
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