Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Rome, Italy

What to expect in... Rome

14. Apartments
Family size is small and housing is crazy expensive, so people mostly live in apartments.

13. Momma's boys
The parents take care of their children until they get married and move out (which sometimes doesn't happen.) The young generation has pretty high demands from their parents (and the government.) Cradle to grave.

12. Constant change
The government rarely lasts longer than a couple years. This is partly because there is a huge political divide between north and south.

11. Fashion
It's not quite Milan, but Rome is still one of the fashion capitals of the world. No sweatpants allowed.

10. Classical music
Italy is the birthplace of opera, modern classical string instruments, and western musical annotation. Italy hosts festivals around the country to celebrate its musical heritage.

9. Soccer
The people are wild about soccer.

8. Tourists
This is one of the world's top tourist cities.

7. Espresso bars
As an essential part of the daily routine, people take the time to sit down and enjoy an espresso.

6. Gelato
Amazing, to-die-for ice cream. Gelato is served in kiddie cups because it's rich and satisfying.

5. Amore
The people of Southern Italy are very warm and friendly.
It's not uncommon to be invited over for a meal.

4. Pizza + pasta
It's sooooo good, but they say the very best is in Naples.
The pizza's a lot healthier and fresher than American pizza.

3. People sitting around
Times are rough in Italy (and the rest of Southern Europe.) Government dependency is high, but the government is broke!
Unions are also powerful, which is typically good for wages but bad for employment rates.

2. The Empire
Ancient Rome is a source of pride for many Italians because of its role in shaping western civilization.

1. Catholicism
The powerful Catholic church has had a major impact on the culture, making Italy more traditional than other European countries. People love Jesus and the Virgin Mary and take part in Catholic traditions, but aren't very religious.
Don't miss a trip to Vatican City (which is conveniently inside Rome.)

----- The EndClick on the archive at the top right to view more cities.

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